Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Half way through Summer!

Summer so far.

Well, it's almost been three weeks since I started my workout regime. They say if you continue with a regime for more than 21 days psychologically you will find it routine. My 21 days are almost up! I can feel the effects already. My muscles are no longer sore or tired after a good 30 minute cardio. My body is starting to tone. It's great, and I feel really good about myself.

I'm also trying to boost my confidence. I have a secret tactic I've been working on for the past week:
I wear bummed out clothes, you know, like sweats and stuff I really wouldn't be caught dead wearing to social events. But I wear them when I go out, shopping at Walmart, the mall, whatever. And I own it. I keep my chest open, head held high, make eye contact and look around my environment bravely, and strut. Not like super arrogant cat walk strut, but a nice sashay through the hips. And I feel fierce. I think to myself, yeah, I'm in sweats, but you know what? I don't care what you think. I think I look good.

You know? It works. I feel very confidant.

I figure, in the animal kingdom, a sign of dominance is a proud chest and eye contact. If we, as fellow animals, take over these traits, our brains have a natural tendency to think confidently too.

Try it some time. If you're way too self conscious, try it in a setting with fewer people. But really, it works.

I posted a new article on my theatre blog. It's pretty good info on auditions, check it out.

As well, I started driving lessons! My first one was yesterday, and it went really well for me, considering I haven't touched a car since I was 15. My mom even let me drive to Walmart after the lesson. I might be able to get my N by fall.

Lots coming up in August. Volunteer work, work, University prep. I'm starting to buy my school supplies already, so I can be ahead of the game come September.

Can't wait for the Phoenix!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Lovin'

I'm cracking down on this 'healthy lifestyle' thing, starting Monday. I have it all planned out; I'm following a regime composed by an acting exercises book I own. It involves daily exercise, healthy eating, and acting exercises to improve posture, technique, vocals, you name it. I think it's time I get serious. University is creeping up closer and closer by the day.

On a different note, I've got me a part time job! I'm assisting my mom with her mobile dog grooming business. I'm saving up to buy me some clothes for uni!

Annnd I have a volunteer gig these next few weeks! Blue Bridge Theatre Company is performing "A Streetcar Named Desire" at the McPherson Playhouse, and they need volunteers to hand out programs and sell merchandise. It's a sweet gig, not many hours, but I'm doing it for something like 6 days. I'm also hoping to volunteer with the Belfry for their August production and of course, the Fringe Festival like I did last year.

Plus, my passport to education scholarship came in! Woot! I've racked up almost enough money to pay for my first year on scholarships alone!
I'm sorry, I had to boast. I'm just very excited!

Sounds like it's gonna be a nice summer.

Comedy ~

Tragedy ~

My mom illegally downloaded Eclipse for free. We watched it last night.

Hey, I'm not gonna pay to watch that crap! I refuse to buy into the franchise! If they promised fans they would get Kristen Stewart some proper acting lessons with the money Eclipse makes in theatres, THEN I might pay to see it...


It wasn't so bad, minus Bella and Edward, they get on my f^#@!ing nerves. Jacob was sexy with his shirt off. Yummm.
Other than that, and the fact that the Twilight 'saga' will split Breaking Dawn into two movies is totes ridiculous. They're only trying to make more money. And copy Harry Potter. Bastards.

So, what's your opinion on this twilight nonsense?
And what are your plans for the summer?
Comment below!