Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Half way through Summer!

Summer so far.

Well, it's almost been three weeks since I started my workout regime. They say if you continue with a regime for more than 21 days psychologically you will find it routine. My 21 days are almost up! I can feel the effects already. My muscles are no longer sore or tired after a good 30 minute cardio. My body is starting to tone. It's great, and I feel really good about myself.

I'm also trying to boost my confidence. I have a secret tactic I've been working on for the past week:
I wear bummed out clothes, you know, like sweats and stuff I really wouldn't be caught dead wearing to social events. But I wear them when I go out, shopping at Walmart, the mall, whatever. And I own it. I keep my chest open, head held high, make eye contact and look around my environment bravely, and strut. Not like super arrogant cat walk strut, but a nice sashay through the hips. And I feel fierce. I think to myself, yeah, I'm in sweats, but you know what? I don't care what you think. I think I look good.

You know? It works. I feel very confidant.

I figure, in the animal kingdom, a sign of dominance is a proud chest and eye contact. If we, as fellow animals, take over these traits, our brains have a natural tendency to think confidently too.

Try it some time. If you're way too self conscious, try it in a setting with fewer people. But really, it works.

I posted a new article on my theatre blog. It's pretty good info on auditions, check it out.

As well, I started driving lessons! My first one was yesterday, and it went really well for me, considering I haven't touched a car since I was 15. My mom even let me drive to Walmart after the lesson. I might be able to get my N by fall.

Lots coming up in August. Volunteer work, work, University prep. I'm starting to buy my school supplies already, so I can be ahead of the game come September.

Can't wait for the Phoenix!

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