Thursday, July 8, 2010

And so it begins...


I figure my life is interesting enough for other people to be entertained by it...
And so the birth of my blog has come about. I plan on spilling my inner most thoughts and feelings. And editing the names and places to protect the innocent.

I might also display awesome pictures of my daily adventures for all who are interested to see. This will definitely be a fun adventure, blog readers!

So let me update you on who you're reading about:
I'm Amy, I'm a recent high school graduate from west coast Canada. My famous obsessions are Harry Potter, Glee, and Lost. I play video games, mostly HP and Kingdom Hearts. I own a PS2, DS and Wii.
I'm also an actress. I was involved with theatre and improv in high school and I'm attending University this fall to earn a Bachelor's Degree in Theatre.

And now that you know about me, I look forward to replying again soon with updates on the life of Amy!

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